

get paid tons of money and hand them filth and wickedness


every though why movies, music and entertainment is so raunchy and vile..It is the status quo law called, get paid tons of money and hand them filth and wickedness.

I actually came across this while  I was touring a pottery plant.  The plant was disgusting, dirty, dramp, very difficult think to look at let alone work there for hours on end. However in

the mist of all this dirty and filth, they actually were producing this very nice pottery and I said to myself how can something that nice and neat come out of this filty dirty environmnent.

I started surveying other areas and I saw the same thing over and over again, dirty, filth, disgusting situations and environments, and yet the produce was top quality. 

I though that this just applied to the industrial side of the economy however as I started to look around even more I noticed that this was everywhere. Top quality products and services

however the folks who made them were in squalor and filth, many in extreme environments and unsafe which goes without mention.

what was funny was I noticed this same theory in music.. top money making music, but the lyrics, the music tone, and even the musicians in some cases horrible to look at..Yet they get

paid top dollar to produce some of the most horrendous and offensive movies and music known to mankind.